This blog is no longer active because the zine is no longer active.

The new zine I produce is a perzine called Purple Myrtle Squeegy - A PMS Perzine. Here are a few links that you can go to in order to find out more about me and about the zine. All requests for trades or purchases or snail mail or art exchange may be made via those links:

You can also contact me at

With pink skull kisses,


About the Zine
Fallopian Falafel – אשת חיל is a non-profit, Jerusalem-based feminist zine established in May, 2007. It deals with feminism in Israel, in all its forms of expression (third-wave, riot grrrl, religious movements, etc.), and it aims to spread awareness about the ongoing need for feminism to the Israeli public. It is worth noting that despite its secular leftist nature, the zine is neither anti-religious nor anti-Zionist.
Editor-in-chief: Hadass Ben-Ari

May 31, 2011The last issue of Fallopian Falafel is now published. And now that I'm listening to a sad classical guitar melody, this does not warrant an exclamation mark. However, the good news is that it is an absolutely explosive issue, so don't be alarmed if your processor has trouble processing the awesomeness of it. You can download the full version of it on PDF or order it from me.
It's been a great ride. I had an awesome time with all the contributors and the Riot Grrrls I've met throughout my zine-production and thank you so much to each and every one of you. Keep up with me on my blog here. Or send me some love here:
With pink skull kisses,

February 28, 2011It is with great regret that I inform you that I will be taking an indefinite hiatus from Fallopian Falafel – the zine that has been my rock, my shield and my sword for the past four years. It was a hard but eventual decision to make as I plan to focus all my spare time and energy on a much bigger writing project – my book. The decision is also based on my plan for self-publishing, and for that end, I need to save up as much money as I can and zine-publishing is not within my budget.
So, to the ISSUE at hand – the last issue of Fallopian Falafel must be an explosive one in order to go out in a BANG! The topic is therefore grrrlVIRUS. It will include articles on absolutely anything you want to get out of your system. GrrrlVIRUS submissions, Riot Grrrl and all things grrrl. Issues that have been covered, or those that have not, things that need to be said, drawn, photographed, painted, designed, composed… This is YOUR issue, YOUR say, YOUR territory. Invade it, own it, infect it. Kill the disobedient, enslave the weak.
- Religion
- Homosexuality
- Music
- International Woman’s Day
- Beauty/self-image
- Eating disorders
- Natural beauty products/recipes for home-made cosmetics
- Pop culture
- Female body
- The period
- Love/relationships/marriage
- Pregnancy and abortion
- Sexual violence
- Breasts/ bras/plastic surgery/cancer
- Virginity
- Career women and homemakers
- Recipes
- Feminist men
- Riot Grrrl/grrrlVIRUS
- Feminist activism
The topics are unlimited, uncut and uncensored. So take control and smash the patriarchy with your pen. I want all your contributions for this finale.
Deadline: April 15, 2011
To end on a positive note, this is not a goodbye forever. The spirit lives on and the virus is spreading and evolving. I will still be calling on you awesome people for reinforcement for the revolution. And Fallopian Falafel may still be resurrected, because A True Riot Grrrl Never Dies.
With pink skull kisses,
Your badass editor.
January 21, 2011Fallopian Falafel Issue 15 is finally out, dude! This special issue on feminist men includes submissions by both men and women, interviews with two self-proclaimed feminist men, some Judaism-oriented pieces on the topic, some pieces exploring the reality or the myth of feminist men, poems and more. The Riot Grrrl Corner is also dedicated to an Israeli male singer who likes to bluntly express his feminist stance onstage - Aviv Geffen! Check out samples of the paper copy here, and the respective articles here. To order this non-macho yet still muscle-pumping issue, go here. Or download a free PDF copy here.
September 19, 2010Issue 14 on Kitchen Women and Career Women is now published! It features articles about juggling between having a career and family life, and how can we as women manage both while keeping ourselves somewhat sane! It also features a fun little cookbook with recipes provided by the contributors of the zine. Feel free to try them out as they all look awesome. Check out some sample scans and words of wisdom.

August 27, 2010I was interviewed for the blog Zine Weekly! Check it out here.

June 30, 2010Issue 14 of FF Zine is now open for submissions. The topic is Kitchen Women and Career Women.
Basically I am looking for articles about modern feminist views on "women in the kitchen". Whereas early feminists set out to prove that a woman can and should have a career, and said that women should get out of the kitchen and take to the streets, the modern view is that being a homemaker (which I find is a much nicer word than housewife) is already a full-time job. So as women today do have careers, some choose to be a wife and mother, and that there is no shame in either choices.
Here are some ideas for brainstorming:
- How is being a wife and mother a full-time job?
- What would you prefer, running a company or running a family?
- How can a woman balance between her professional life and family life?
- What benefits does having a career offer that having a family doesn't, and vice versa?
- Is being a Kitchen Woman really limiting? How can being a Career Woman be limiting?
- Culinary delights: I want RECIPES, people! I suggest that anyone contributing anything should include a recipe along with the submission, even if it's just some funky way of making an omelet. I want this issue to be a semi-cookbook! (Please keep it kosher - and if you're unsure about whether or not a recipe you have in mind is kosher, get in touch with me)
- Any ideas you may have, you are limited solely by your imagination!
As always, you may send in art, poems, articles, personal stories, fiction stories, cartoons, photography or any print material you wish to express yourself with.
Please remember that contributions are entirely voluntary, and every contributor receives a free copy of the zine.
Deadline: August 20, 2010
Send to:

June 22, 2010Issue 13 on DIY is published! Or rather, photocopied, collated, folded and stapled *phew*. It features CD reviews, zine reviews, Sue's model Sukkah, my mom's Lechemoach, random Intermax comix, the dress Courtney Love wore when Frances Bean was conceived, a crapload of stars... and much more!
There is also a piece about Hannah Greenberg's new book "Oblivious to the Obvious: Wishfully Mindful Parenting." You can order the book here.
Excerpts of it can be seen here and read here. Since this is a DIY issue, there is no PDF version available for download. But the hard copy is much better anyway and it's much cheaper than the other issues - $1.00 or 3.50 NIS! Contact me at to get your very own copy.

May 13, 2010Issue 12 is now published!!! The virginity issue is cherry-yummy, and contains mostly poems about virginity, and stories of cherry popping. It talks about how different women experience their virginity and their loss of it (or rather do not consider it a loss but a new way to experience their body and sexuality). This issue also focuses a little more on the "Falafel" part of the zine and includes a special segment on Yom Ha'atzmaut, the 62nd anniversary of the State of Israel.
View scans or read sample articles, or download the full PDF version. Or better yet, order your very own copy by contacting Yours Truly :-)

As an aside - do not forget to send your DIY submissions! Deadline: June 10. Contact me, or read below for more ideas/information.

May 3, 2010Issue 12 is not yet published but will be shortly.
Meanwhile, here is a call for submissions for Issue 13 of Fallopian Falafel which will be all DIY!
For this particular issue, I will try my best to use the computer as little as possible, which means that Adobe InDesign will be nowhere in sight, and the entire issue will be laid out by hand, the authentic way of laying out a zine, with scissors, glue and a typewriter.
As always, you may send in art, poems, articles, personal stories, fiction stories, cartoons, photography or any print material you wish to express yourself with. And if you wish to contribute to the DIY cause, you can send it all in hard copy by snail mail, hand-written or printed on a deluxe vintage pink typewriter (preferably in black and white, because that's how it will be printed).
Ideas for this topic may include:
- What does DIY mean to you
- What can you do with DIY, and what are the limitations, if any
- Reasons why DIY rocks
- All things that can be considered DIY: writing, publishing, drawing, sewing, knitting, art, music, cooking…
- How can DIY help the feminist/riot grrrl cause
- All your DIY creations
- Any ideas you may have, you are limited solely by your imagination!
Aside from all that, if you are an independent writer, poet, publisher, cartoonist or musician, you are strongly encouraged to send a sample of your art (demotape, zine, blog, comics, or any other DIY creations) for review in this issue.

Contact me for more information if you would like to send me some DIY lovin'!
With pink skull kisses,
The Badass.

PS - I started a new perzine, called The Purple Myrtle Squeegy. It's a very different format, style and production method than Fallopian Falafel, in the sense that it's only me, and only DIY, no contributors, no comp, no printer and no Adobe. You may check it out here.

March 23, 2010Fallopian Falafel is now accepting submissions for its 12th issue which will focus on virginity.
But before we get into that, check out the translation of the article on Fallopian Falafel and Hadass that appeared in Germany's Missy Magazine! Special thanks to Noa for the translation.
Back to the subject at hand. For issue 12 on Virginity, you may send in art, poems, articles, personal stories, fiction stories, cartoons, photography or any print material you wish to express yourself with.
Ideas for this topic may include:
- Sexual pressure women and girls are faced with
- Terminology (the effect of words such as prude, frigid, etc.)
- Chastity tools including rings, belts, contracts, etc.
- Religious views on virginity
- Reviews of books on virginity (I got a lot of suggestions for that one, so it's definitely acceptable)
- Where is the "loss" in "losing" your virginity?
- Medical facts on what is the hymen, what it looks like, etc.
- Cherry recipes for pies, cakes or whatever your culinary genius compells you to share.
- Any ideas you may have, you are limited solely by your imagination!
Please remember that contributions are entirely voluntary, and every contributor receives a free copy of the zine.
Send submissions to
Deadline: April 10, 2010 (I apologize for the relatively late notice)

February 17, 2010Fallopian Falafel Issue 11 on Breasts is now published and is packed with super articles on all topics related to our bust - stories, poems and artwork about breast cancer, breastfeeding, bras, nipple piercings and more. The Riot Grrrl Corner features a band I strongly urge all you Riot Grrrl fans to check out - The Cathy Santonies. It also features an exclusive interview with Radio Santoni, lead vocalist and bassist of the band. Check out some excerpts or scans, or click here to order the issue.

August 29, 2009
Germany's Missy Magazine published a full-length article on Fallopian Falafel and the Riot Grrrl scene in Jerusalem (I think... it's in German, so I could only understand the pictures, hehe)
Check it out here.
Special thanks to Chris Kover, Sebastian Ingenhoff and Roland Wilhelm for the awesome job and promotion!
Missy Magazine official site.